Monday 25 July 2016

Employing Creativity in Writing College Essays

If you are in college, then you probably have written essays at one time. Did you enjoy it or was it one daunting task that left you mentally exhausted hoping the lecturer does not ask you to hand it in again? Sadly many students hate writing and will look for any loophole to get the assignment to the tutor with as little effort as possible.
It therefore does not come as a surprise that the majority of these students fail their essay exams due to plagiarism. Plagiarism, in a nutshell, is using other peoples work and crediting it as your own. This is just plain lazy and reduces you to a mere copycat! Avoid this when writing college essays as it costs you a lot of marks.
On the other hand, you can make writing college essays fun simply by focusing on your creativity. When given a topic to write on, try to be unique by narrowing to a main point. Remember it must be easy to identify to your readers. Rather than giving too much comprehension in your essay, build the main point you have identified using specific facts and arguments. If comparing two opposing views explain both in detail before expressing your preferred argument. Let your work have flow; let the reader link ideas from one paragraph to the other. Put yourself in your readers' shoes. What do you want your readers to get out of your article?
Students considering furthering their studies may be required to write academic essays too. An academic essay may be on a topic that the admission may give you. Alternatively, the admission may require you to write about your career aspirations, academic achievements and reasons why you are applying to that college. In other words it's like a resume only that you write it so as to seek admission. Academic essays are taken very seriously in some colleges. You don't want to lose your admission to your dream college simply because you are a "horrible" writer, do you? Again your key tool here is your creativity. Bring out all the ideas in your mind in a simple yet orderly flow.
If you want to improve your grades for your college essays, it's always wise to know what the lecturer expects from you. In college, writing is quite different from high school essays. Your work should be thoroughly researched, with accurate arguments supported. Marking is stricter, with poor grammar being heavily penalized. You are also expected to have good command of the English language. Review your work over and over again to minimize spelling mistakes, verb-tense agreements and other common grammatical errors. By employing your creativity you can make writing college essays an art.

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Accused of Plagiarism? Read How to Create Your Plagiarism Defence Strategy

Nowadays, Universities are taking plagiarism - using someone else's words or ideas without giving proper credit to the author of the original - very seriously and are fighting against it. In the best-case scenario, teachers may decide to award a 'zero' mark for a paper or a course; in the worst case, Universities may fail the whole degree or expel the student. This article has been written specifically for those students who have been accused of plagiarism, but who believe that they are not guilty. The article offers some advice to such students on how to defend their position. At the same time, it should be noted that the article is provided for information purposes only, as we do not give legal advice. If you seek legal assistance, you should contact your lawyer who would be in a better position to help you.
There is no doubt that plagiarism is a bad practice which not only endangers your own academic standing, but also hampers the process of scientific discovery. In some cases, plagiarism may even lead to legal proceedings if the authors decide that their work is being misused. In the academic context, however, plagiarism is usually viewed not as a legal infringement but as utterly unethical conduct. For this reason, we have prepared a set of recommendations for you to keep in mind should you face plagiarism accusations.
First and foremost, you must NEVER ADMIT Intentional Plagiarism, as that would be suicidal. If you do admit it, your University or College would be able to do whatever they wish, even fail your degree. Generally, there may be two outcomes of the plagiarism detection process. In half of cases, your University will KNOW and subsequently be able to PROVE that you have committed plagiarism. In the other 50% of cases Universities may SUSPECT that you have plagiarised but would not be able to prove it unless you voluntarily admit having plagiarised.
As a rule, Universities can suspect plagiarism based on the following:
a) The language and style of writing you used in the suspected paper differ from those that you normally employ. This is especially applicable to foreign students for whom English is not the first language. Usually, teachers can easily spot the discrepancies, as the text seems too perfect and 'polished' and rich in academic jargon and specialist phraseology. If this is the case, your strategy of defence can be to say that you asked a native speaker to proofread your work before submitting it in order to make it more professional and reader-friendly. This is absolutely legal, especially taking into account the fact that many Universities would penalise English language mistakes. Some even try to say, when caught, that the friend who proofread the paper amended the work and that he or she included some ideas without referencing them. This, however, is a shaky strategy, so you should be careful about using it.
b) The usage of models or resources, which were not taught by your tutor or not available in your library. In this case, your strategy of defence could be to say that you did some additional reading or research and/or have a friend studying in a different University who kindly gave you the otherwise inaccessible materials, books or articles. However, you should always bear in mind that, should the need arise, your tutor or academic commission will certainly be asking you questions regarding the resources that you used to write your paper. You ought therefore to make sure that you can answer such questions by preparing meticulously for the meetings. At least, you should know all the titles used and the authors and what each author said.
However, if it happens that your University can prove that you have plagiarised, there could be several defence strategies, such as:
1) In the process of work, you had several drafts of the paper and, as it turns out, accidentally submitted an incorrect version of the report. You can claim that while the rough drafts were not properly referenced, as they were only written to help you plan the paper and give you the overall guidance, the final version was indeed fully referenced and prepared in strict accordance with the academic requirements. At the end of the day, you are a human being and have the right to be mistaken.

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August Wilson - The Most Compulsive and Strident Voice From the Black American Theatre

August Frederick Kittel Wilson, a prolific American writer whose plays, like Eugene O'Neill's, Arthur Miller's and Tennessee Williams' are produced throughout the U.S. regularly soon became the most important voice in the American theater after Lorraine Hansberry, a position that he maintained until his death in 2005 with a string of acclaimed plays starting from Ma Rainey's Black Bottom first exciting the theater world in 1984.
August Wilson mostly relies on the "4 B's": the Blues; fellow playwright, Amiri Bakara; Argentinian author, Jorge Luis Borges, and painter, Romare Bearden to tell what in his estimation he needs to tell in writing his plays. Apart from this, he has no particular method of writing his plays.   
The blues have always had the greatest influence on Wilson, as he himself confessed in an interview with Sandra G. Shannon: "I have always consciously been chasing the musicians, It's like our culture is in the music. And the writers are way behind the musicians... So I'm trying to close the gap."  1
Wilson was also greatly influenced by playwright Amiri Baraka, who was part of the Black Art movement of the 1960's. Through Baraka's writing, Wilson "learned sociology and political commitment" and  to include the emotions of anger and violence in his works. But far from supporting Baraka's advocacy of a violent revolution, Wilson believed that African Americans need to develop a "collective self-reliance grounded in black history and culture" a preoccupation which seems more akin to that of his other mentor, Jorge Luis Borges.  
Wilson  was influenced not only by good writing but also by art as he claimed, that when he saw the painter Bearden's work that was the first time that he saw black life presented in all its richness. He was so moved that he there and then resolved  that he wanted to do just that-as he wanted his plays to be the equal of Bearden's canvases.  Wilson thus started creating authentic sounding characters that have brought a new understanding of the black experience to audiences in a series of plays, each one addressing African Americans in each decade of the twentieth century.  
Although Wilson's plays have not been written in chronological order, the consistent and key theme in each of them is the sense of disconnection suffered by blacks that have been uprooted from their original homeland, first from Africa and then their moving northwards away from the Jim Crowism of the slave holding south for the northern industrializing cities of Chicago and New York.
Wilson lamented that by their failure to develop their own tradition, which should be a more African response to the world, [African Americans] lost their sense of identity.  Wilson has felt therefore that black people must strive to know their roots in order to understand themselves and then regain their lost identity. His plays have therefore been geared to demonstrate the black struggle to either gain this understanding and thence their identity-or escape from it.   
Each of his ten plays set in a different decade of the 20th century enables Wilson to explore, often in very subtle ways, the myriad and mutating forms of the legacy of slavery.  Each one of this cycle called "The Pittsburgh Cycle" or  his "Century Cycle,"  set in a different decade, depicting the comedy and tragedy of the African-American experience then,  is unprecedented in American theater for its concept, size, and cohesion. Nine of them are set in Pittsburgh's Hill District, an African-American neighborhood that takes on a mythic literary significance like Thomas Hardy's Wessex, William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, or Irish playwright Brian Friel's Ballybeg.  

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Academic Essays

Best Practices for Student Essay Writing

The art of writing a polished essay requires extreme attention to detail. Some students possess an innate talent for writing a compelling paper, while others require a more stringent methodology to achieve the same results. While natural writing abilities can vary from student to student, a solid writing process can improve most results. Many of the standard writing practices utilized in the current education system have long roots hashed out many years ago. Proven methodology and new technologies can help the current generation of students achieve their full potential when writing an essay.
Every research paper has one key ingredient: the research. Even the most compelling, imaginative writer cannot out produce the substance at the heart of a well researched essay. Facts, figures and hard sources will always achieve better results than smoke and mirrors. In the old days, research required an absolute commitment to lengthy library sessions and a highly developed understanding of the Dewey Decimal system. Fortunately for today's students, the internet provides instant access to an unlimited wealth of resources at the click of a mouse. This paradigm shift has generally resulted in more sources per a paper with each source having more specific information.
During the research phase a student will generally develop a thesis or specific argument for a paper. The thesis is the guiding force for the entire document. A well formed thesis should grow out of a broad research phase and guide the more specific research activities required to gather supporting sources for the thesis. Forming a thesis can be a difficult process and many writing classes will dedicate significant time to the concept and process of thesis creation. A thesis is the main creative sentiment in a paper. Despite modern technologies' contribution to the research phase, thesis creation remains solely in the hands of the writer.
The body or framework of a paper is intended to provide supporting points that make the thesis more convincing. These supporting paragraphs should include the most compelling information from the papers resources. The average student essay provides limited real estate to prove a point. With this knowledge in mind, the supporting paragraphs of a paper should be optimized to put forth the strongest facts first. A student needs to organize the sequence and focus of each supporting paragraph to form the strongest foundation possible to support their thesis. Once again, while research elements will help dictate the focus of a paper's supporting paragraphs, the creation of a paper's framework is still completely in the hands of the writer.
Once a paper is complete a standardized review process can make the difference between an average essay and a great essay. Incorporating obvious tools like computer aided spell check and grammar check are a first step. Once a rough draft is complete, the student needs to self examine the paper for flaws in the argument and unnecessary language. Generally the more succinct a paper the more compelling it is. After a read through, additional third party review sessions can greatly add to any insights about issues with clarity or argument. The review process can vary from class to class, but generally it will either include peer review with feedback or direct review by the educator.

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Successful Steps to Good Essay Writing

Often students try to avoid essay writing in their normal study course. However, they forget that essay writing is the most important part of the curriculum. Today due to competition there is a high expectation from students. With the burden of academic subjects, students often become careless about essay writing. They do not get enough time to think about developing a good essay writing skill.
However, with the advent of technology, things have become quite easy for students. The online essay writing services educate the students how to write a good essay.
Consider these simple steps and become a professional essay writer:
1. Consider essay as a process and not a task bounded with deadlines. You have to consider reading, thinking, planning and organizing your thoughts. You have to understand the topic and study about the topic. Primary research is very important before drafting your thoughts. Once you are finished with research process, start thinking creatively about the topic and make notes or pointers, which will help you during documentation process.
2. The blank screen or paper in front of you while drafting essay is the most difficult part of the process. You must sketch out a plan before writing. Once you have written down your points, start assembling these points. Give each point a logical heading; this will help you to elaborate your points. These will later develop into paragraphs of your essay.
The most important subheads will include:
An introduction, which will explain the sources of your study
Main body, which is an analysis of your topic. It will include the opinions, comments and findings. You can quote about some scientific research or media studies.
Conclusion is where you force the reader to accept your points. You can conclude with quotes or even end with a question that will boggle reader's mind.
All these points will give you an outline to your essay writing. Do not stick to one point. This makes the reader disinterested in your writing.
3. Your correct English is the most compelling part of essay writing. Use simple but correct English. Your essay may not be flowery in writing but must have substance in the subject. If it is argumentative, you must collect enough data to make it genuine. To improve on these points you must read many editorial sections from magazines or newspapers.
4. Try to make a rough draft of your essay before submission. You must read it aloud and look for any changes if required. If your essay is long or it is a dissertation, you must prepare small drafts of paragraphs and then try to focus on each paragraph. Try to make pointers on these paragraphs, which will help you during the assembly of all paragraphs. Do not lose track of your point or argument. In case if you are lost, refer to points.

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Do You Really Need Medical and Academic Editing Services?

Most journals today recommend that ESL authors (authors for whom English is a second language) seek the help of a professional academic editing service or a native speaker of English before submitting their manuscripts. Why has academic editing become such an integral part of the publishing process? Isn't research about the subject and not the language?
As research output the world over increases and researchers compete to publish their findings in the most reputed peer-reviewed journals, the journals themselves are raising the bar for submissions. Authors now need to ensure that apart from submitting interesting, novel research, they are submitting a well-structured, grammatically correct, and well-formatted manuscript. Moreover, several studies have revealed that "poor writing" is one of the top 10 reasons for rejection at the peer review stage. This means that if your manuscript is not written in clear English, you run the risk of rejection. That's where academic paper editing services step in-they ensure that the language and formatting within a manuscript matches international standards.
Specialized academic and medical editing services staff professional English-language editors who edit your manuscript to make sure that it is written in native English and reflects current research writing conventions. Trained editors understand not only the minutiae of grammar-punctuation, spelling, sentence construction, word choice, etc.-but also the nuances specific to your subject. They ensure that your manuscript is written in a lucid, unambiguous way that communicates the true value of the manuscript content. So hiring an academic editing service is not simply about getting a language check; it is about enhancing the overall presentation, flow, tone, and structure and ensuring that your manuscript makes a good first impression.
Given the competitive nature of journal publication, even native speakers today are seeking out professional academic editing services. Of course, that doesn't mean that every researcher requires academic or medical editing help. So how do you decide whether or not to seek professional editing help? Here are a few pointers.
• You probably don't need an editor if most of the following statements are true:
o You're an experienced researcher with published papers to your name.
o You have a good understanding of English grammar and idiomatic expressions, and are experienced when it comes to writing in English.
o You understand the publication process, academic writing conventions, and subject-specific writing conventions
o You know how to format a manuscript to meet journal requirements
• You need an editor if most of the following statements are true:
o You have not published many papers in English-language journals. 
o You are not confident of your English-language writing skills. 
o You are not very familiar with the journal publication process and academic writing conventions. 
o You are not experienced in formatting a manuscript to meet journal requirements.

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Your Guide to Academic Writing Jobs

Writing is a skill; a skill that combines a good blend of knowledge and style. A style that ensures that the reader understands completely well what the intention of the writer is. A writers' style comes out very clearly in the article that a writer writes to communicate effectively to all the readers. Unlike other kinds of writing, writing for academic purposes is something that does not require much of flamboyance in language. This of course does not eliminate the fact that, academic writers have a rather mellowed down style; it just means academic writers focus greatly on getting across essential points of their overall work. To be an academic writer, all you need to know is the art to communicate effectively what you ought to, in a manner that is objective, exhaustive and yet precise.
To learn the art of communicating effectively is what carves you into the best in this field. So hone a few of these skills and kick start a career with the best academic writing jobs. These will certainly be a good break for your ambitious career in writing academic articles in-house for your domain specialty.
Here are a few tips you could consider. Firstly have a strong base in the subject you want to deal with, next of course convey your message in the pithiest manner possible encompassing all keywords and dominant messages in a structured approach and write in order to educate efficiently.
With such essential skills you are sure to become a good academic article writer; you will definitely make the most of remarkable academic writing jobs that come your way. And what is really incredible about these is that; you can work in-house anywhere in UK and get paid to do what you like doing and in what your specialty lies.

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