Monday, 25 July 2016

Employing Creativity in Writing College Essays

If you are in college, then you probably have written essays at one time. Did you enjoy it or was it one daunting task that left you mentally exhausted hoping the lecturer does not ask you to hand it in again? Sadly many students hate writing and will look for any loophole to get the assignment to the tutor with as little effort as possible.
It therefore does not come as a surprise that the majority of these students fail their essay exams due to plagiarism. Plagiarism, in a nutshell, is using other peoples work and crediting it as your own. This is just plain lazy and reduces you to a mere copycat! Avoid this when writing college essays as it costs you a lot of marks.
On the other hand, you can make writing college essays fun simply by focusing on your creativity. When given a topic to write on, try to be unique by narrowing to a main point. Remember it must be easy to identify to your readers. Rather than giving too much comprehension in your essay, build the main point you have identified using specific facts and arguments. If comparing two opposing views explain both in detail before expressing your preferred argument. Let your work have flow; let the reader link ideas from one paragraph to the other. Put yourself in your readers' shoes. What do you want your readers to get out of your article?
Students considering furthering their studies may be required to write academic essays too. An academic essay may be on a topic that the admission may give you. Alternatively, the admission may require you to write about your career aspirations, academic achievements and reasons why you are applying to that college. In other words it's like a resume only that you write it so as to seek admission. Academic essays are taken very seriously in some colleges. You don't want to lose your admission to your dream college simply because you are a "horrible" writer, do you? Again your key tool here is your creativity. Bring out all the ideas in your mind in a simple yet orderly flow.
If you want to improve your grades for your college essays, it's always wise to know what the lecturer expects from you. In college, writing is quite different from high school essays. Your work should be thoroughly researched, with accurate arguments supported. Marking is stricter, with poor grammar being heavily penalized. You are also expected to have good command of the English language. Review your work over and over again to minimize spelling mistakes, verb-tense agreements and other common grammatical errors. By employing your creativity you can make writing college essays an art.

Pre written Essays
Essays Solution

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